This application is for help to subsidise childcare costs for eligible learners aged 20+. Eligibility for funding is dependent on household income. In order to determine if you are eligible you must complete an online bursary application via the following link
Prior to completion of this form, you must have arranged a place for your child with an Ofsted registered childcare provider. If you will be using more than one childcare provider, a separate form must be completed for each provider.
Once you have completed this form, the college will contact your childcare provider for confirmation of their fees. When your application has been assessed, you and your childcare provider will receive notification of the outcome via email.
Please read the Childcare Subsidy Terms and Conditions carefully. If there are any points requiring clarification, please contact Student Services on 01772 225656.
If any of the information you have provided in support of this application is found to be inaccurate, or deliberately misleading, the situation will be dealt with under the Student Disciplinary Procedure and you will be required to repay any payments received.