Preston College leads the way in tech-based counselling courses

Preston College is thrilled to share a new feature in BusinessCloud, highlighting our innovative tech-based counselling courses for counsellors of the future.

This highlights our commitment to addressing the evolving needs in mental health support, which has been driven by the pandemic, but also the increasing integration of technology in our daily lives.

Link to BusinessCloud article: Pandemic Shift Leads to Need for Tech-Based Counselling Skills

The shift towards digital counselling methods has created a surge in demand for professionals who are able navigate tech-based therapeutic environments. As highlighted in the BusinessCloud article, the necessity for remote and digital mental health services has never been more apparent.

Ian Sanderson, a counselling lecturer at Preston College, emphasises the importance of tech learning for future counsellors. He says: “In today’s digital age, it is crucial for future counsellors to be confident in using technology as part of their practice. This not only expands their ability to reach and support clients remotely but also ensures they are equipped to handle the complexity of digital interactions. At Preston College, we recognise the changing nature of the counselling landscape and are committed to integrating technology into our counselling courses to prepare our students for the shifting demands of the profession.”

Key highlights of our tech-based counselling courses include:

  • Integration of Technology in Counselling: Training on the latest digital tools and platforms used in virtual counselling sessions.
  • Ethics and Confidentiality: Ensuring that students understand the unique ethical considerations and privacy concerns in digital counselling.
  • Practical Training: Real-world applications through simulated counselling scenarios and real-life online experiences.

Ian adds: “As an academic partner of the Lancashire and Cumbria Institute of Technology, we are proud to deliver courses that not only grow careers but also provide the skills employers need in an ever-evolving technical world. Our partnership with the IoT, is a strategic initiative that brings together key academic institutions and industry leaders from across our region, which aims to bolster technical education and provide students with career-ready skills.”

Enhancing Education through the IoT Partnership

Preston College’s collaboration with the Lancashire and Cumbria IoT reflects our dedication to providing technical education in construction, engineering, counselling and health and social care, crucial for today’s competitive landscape.

For more information about the Lancashire and Cumbria Institute of Cumbria click here or email our University Centre at


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