GCSE Maths Revision 2024

GCSE Maths Easter Revision

Dear learners,

We hope you are enjoying your Easter break.  This is a short message with some useful revision information for you, as two weeks with no maths lessons is a long time and if you do nothing, I can guarantee you will forget things! After the break, you only have 5 weeks left of college until your first Maths exam (16th May). Please do some revision over the Easter break!

Best regards,

Dan Lin
Curriculum Leader: Maths

Revision we are putting on for you

Revision is a difficult skill to master and we are trying to help you revise smarter, not longer. Please use the revision materials your teachers have provided you with and also the online services we are providing below, to make sure you are ready for your exams.

Live Revision Session – Thursday 11th April – 11AM on Microsoft Teams

I will be putting on a live revision session during the second week of the Easter break. You will receive a separate invite to this, but you can also use the link below to join the lesson:

Join the meeting now

I would also recommend joining the GCSE Revision ‘Team’ using this link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aHct8S7WzOFrLFI1S8LTRbW2jBkU23nVd7RqF6kNMSLg1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=bdd17d94-610d-4ba7-975d-763e328bf293&tenantId=bcbaed93-b416-44c4-b533-bd6cbdf866c2

That way you will get all updates about other revision sessions or resources available. It is also a place you can ask questions about any issues you have with maths or the exams.

Instagram – hykmaths

I am putting regular revision videos on Instagram for you before and during the exam period. Each video has some practice questions to try. Just pause it and then press play when you are done to watch me go through the worked solutions. So just follow ‘hykmaths’ and new revision material will be delivered directly to your feed.

Direct link to the Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/hykmaths/

Past Papers and your Maths Revision Cards

Past papers are always available from your teachers, but if you have not got one, I have uploaded some (that have not been used for mocks this year already) online at this link: https://www.helpyourkidsmaths.com/exampapers

Please use the Edexcel exam papers, not the AQA ones. Make sure you use your maths revision cards to help you with these maths papers and if you get stuck on a question, don’t just ignore it. Try and learn how to solve it or even ask in the GCSE Maths Revision Chat on Microsoft Teams.

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