The Most Autumn Winter 2021/2022

We have strong relationships with the construction team at Preston College and are committed to supporting them to deliver the best possible construction learning experience for students.” Ribby Hall Village We are proud to partner with Ribby Hall Village - Spa Hotel. As a leading spa hotel in the region, Ribby Hall ensures that each of their therapists have technical skills to deliver exceptional service. Over the years Ribby Hall have taken on a number of apprentices with Preston College and we are proud to provide them with hard working individuals who flourish in what they do. Learning and Development Manager at Ribby Hall, Daniel Houseman says: “We are passionate about the investment and development of talent within our business. For the past few years we have worked with Preston College to create a Spa Academy. This has supported our recruitment and retention, providing a recognised qualification and career path for our Spa Apprentices. This in turn aligns to our culture of continual improvement and the evolution of our business.” Bowker Motor Group It is a real honour to work collaboratively with Bowker Motor Group to support the pipeline of learners through industry work placements and apprenticeships. Stewart Rose, Group Service Manager says: “Supporting industry placements and hiring apprentices with Preston College allows us to grow our own talent, to meet the needs of our organisation, create an employability ethos and prepare learners for industry. It also ensures that we meet the training needs of our local community; enhancing the local economy and contributing to the reduction in carbon emissions.” Thank you to every one of our employer partners for all of your continued support and for your passion in encouraging young people into the world of work. Bowker Group showing love for colleges from the workshop Hello, I am Ben and I am currently on the kickstart programme as an Employer Engagement Assistant within the college. My background previously consisted of full time learning at the college doing bricklaying and automotive which I enjoyed. I first heard about the opportunities that were open at Preston College through the job centre whereby I was invited to a group information event. I found the session really informative which gave me an insight into working in employment and what happens on a day to day basis at Preston College. When I first started at Preston College I was apprehensive as I have never worked in this sector before, however when I settled in and got familiar with my role I felt comfortable. When I started, the team were very welcoming and supported me until I found my feet within the role and always kept me occupied with work and helped me to learn new things. My role is supporting the apprenticeship team with enquiries and day to day tasks. I’ve already gained knowledge in areas I was previously unfamiliar with such as using Microsoft packages, attending meetings and familiarising myself with the college’s internal systems. I’m keen to learn and always willing to develop new skills, which will help me progress towards either an apprenticeship or gain full time employment in business. The experience I will take from this will be working in a college environment and gaining key knowledge and experience that I can use wherever I progress from here.