The Most Autumn Winter 2021/2022
Employers #Loveourcollege Lancashire Constabulary Lancashire Constabulary are one of our long standing employer partners who support our apprentices as they work hard towards their qualifications within the police. Lancashire Constabulary have been recognised as one of our Exceptional Employers, being only one of eight organisations last year to achieve this award. They are committed to supporting our apprentices in all different sectors across the force; completing training, and mentoring our learners to a high level. This not only allows the apprentices to develop skills and knowledge in their job role, but helps them to gain employment within and progress up the career ladder. Jane Ward, Apprenticeship Officer, Learning & Development at Lancashire Constabulary says: “Working with FE colleges gives use the chance to grow and nurture talent so we have the best people with the right skills to support the community we service.” Danielle, an apprentice at Lancashire Constabulary says: “I am currently on a Level 3 business administration apprenticeship which is equivalent to 2 A-Levels. From here, the Constabulary do other higher levels which result in higher qualifications - all whilst experiencing the role and paying no money to earn degrees.” Eric Wright Group The Eric Wright Group have worked in partnership with Preston College for a number of years. The Group have been instrumental in inspiring future construction trades and professionals through their commitment in the Eric Wright Learning Foundation. They say: “Working in partnership with colleges is integral to the vision of the Eric Wright Learning Foundation. The construction industry is facing a huge skills gap and we want to ensure the future of our industry by supporting colleges to deliver quality training and education for young people now, so that in the future they can be the experts and make a real difference in our world. Our commitment to support students at Preston College, with bursary and scholarship places, ensures that every young person has the opportunity to learn construction skills. Throughout their courses, students will have access to our expert staff who can guide them with industry knowledge and offer opportunities to visit a variety of sites and projects. We are able to identify students from the talent pool who best fit the roles we have available and build our workforce based on the ever changing needs of the industry. We are delighted to welcome T-Level students for extended work placements which prepares them fully for skilled employment in the future and we are committed to creating clear progression routes for students who are successful in completing the higher level technical qualifications. 30 Left to right: Fiona Birchett-Sharpe Head of School for Service Industries, Paul Croft T-Level Transition Offer Implementation Project Manager at the Association of Colleges, Mark Taylor, Head of School for Engineering and Construction, Mick Noblett, Vice Principal Leyland Trucks employers and apprentices supporting Colleges Week