The Most Autumn Winter 2021/2022
Off to a Flying Start! We were lucky enough to venture out and catch up with the team at Westair Flying Services in Blackpool. We met with their industry placement learners and found out about their experiences in the aeronautical engineering sector. Westair is a family run aviation business, established more than 80 years ago. Over the years it has developed and grown into what is now, a flying school and maintenance organisation. Tim Skinner, Engineering Manager at Westair says: “Aviation has suffered a shortage of people in the aeronautical field for quite a while. This is partly due to the difficulty in doing it, but partly because of the cost involved.” “This is why we take on industry placements. With aircraft engineering, the qualification required is an aviation license. This is what allows you to certify aeroplanes from basic checks or defects or on the line. Without the license you can’t do anything. “A license can take over five years of experience and over 13 exams. What the industry placements allow is for college learners to start gaining that experience from a young age. By doing an industry placement a few days a week and gaining a bit of experience, it can be logged in their workbook and will count towards their final qualification. “We are really keen to help support these young learners in getting the experiences they need, to drive though the talents and know that they will become the next generation of pilots, aeronautical engineers, technicians and even designers!” Claire Shorrock, Industry Placement Officer at Preston College says: “Following a meeting I had with Westair, they have now appointed seven industry placement learners with their flying and maintenance school. This opportunity for our learners is incomparable to anything else. They are learning to service and maintain planes in a hangar - at an airport! “The commitment and dedication shown by Westair is unprecendented. They understand the value of work placements, particularly in the realm of aero and are willing to give these young learners a real chance to start their careers. We are thankful to Westair for their continued support.” “I lived in Spain in a 6th floor apartment and every few days a plane would pass over the apartment and in front of my window. The engines, the systems, the interest in how planes work all led me to studying the aeronautical course at Preston College. My long term goal is to join the RAF as an aircraft technician and I believe that working at Westair will give me that advantage for my future career. My advice to anyone thinking about this course is to go for it. With a industry placement you get to do it physically and learn all about the industry.” Sam Level 3 Aeronautical Engineering 21