The Most Issue 2

T-LEVELS ARE COMING… ARE YOU READY? Preston’s College will start delivering the eagerly awaited T-Levels from September 2021 in the subject areas; Professional Construction, Health and Science. Over the last twelve months, we’ve been preparing the college for the delivery of these brand new qualifications and what’s more, earlier this year, the Department for Education accepted our application as a specialist technical college to extend our offer further in Engineering, Education and Childcare and Building Services for September 2022. So, what is a T-Level? A T-Level is a brand new 2-year technical qualification that will give learners a minimum 45-day industry placement within an organisation whilst they study towards their technical training in their chosen subject area in college. The 45-day placement can be a pre-organised weekly block, a one to two day release from college over a period of time, or even a variation of these. What is the difference between a T-Level, a BTEC and an Apprenticeship? T-Level students will spend 80% of their course learning practical and technical skills in simulated workshops within college where learners will learn, observe and be part of a real-life working environment; learning the skills that employers need. The other 20% will be an industry placement, where learners can apply these transferrable skills learnt. BTEC students will typically spend 100% of their training in the same workshops for example, in salons, construction sites, science labs and in engineering workshops to name a few, with an element work experience built-in. An apprenticeship is a job with training and will typically see an apprentice 80% in the work place and 20% in the college, being paid a salary and working towards an industry recognised qualification. T-Levels are equivalent to three A Levels. What does this mean for me, an employer/business owner? As an employer, taking on a T-Level student for a 45-day industry placement will raise your profile and appeal of your business and sector. It could improve staff retention; showing commitment and loyalty and you can benefit from additional help within your organisation at no cost to you. Young people often bring in new fresh ideas which may open up new and emerging markets for the business and it can also give you access to a growing talent pool of students who will be looking for jobs when they complete their studies. How do I get involved? If you already work with us, please speak to your contact who will direct you the Industry Placement Team. Alternatively; you can email or call 01772 225078 . | 31