The Most Issue 2

Supporting Lancashire’s Managers 4-5 Preston’s College wins AOC 6 Beacon Award Apprenticeships on the rise 6 Main Feature: Preston North End 7-10 Partners with Preston’s College Meet the Apprentices: Merseyside Fire & 11-15 Rescue Service Apprentices Talk To Us The Salon at Maxy Farm Wins 5*Award 16-17 Robots Make Their Debut 18 Coronavirus Feature: Rebuild and Recover 19-27 7 22 19 11 36 CONTENTS EMPLOYER SPOTLIGHT: PREFERRED LOCUMS PRESTON NORTH END PARTNERS WITH PRESTON’S COLLEGE Coronavirus Feature: Rebuild and Recover GP OF THE YEAR GOES TO PRESTON’S COLLEGE STUDENT MERSEYSIDE FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE APPRENTICES TALK TO US Employer Spotlight: Preferred Locums 22-24 New! Employer Incentives Explained 29 The Best Performing College in Central 30 Lancashire T-Levels... Are you ready? 31 Preston’s College to be part of 34-35 WorldSkillsUK Centre of Excellence GP Of The Year Goes to Preston’s 36-37 College Student Student Success! 41 Age Concern’s Search For Patrons 42