The Most Issue 2

HOLD ON TO YOUR APPRENTICES THEY WILL BE YOUR WORK FORCE OF THE FUTURE Nobody really knows yet what the future looks like after Covid-19 and we understand that as a business it is likely to have been a very uncertain time for you. If and when ‘normal life’ comes to resume, the working landscape across the UK, for many, will have changed and as we endeavour to pick up where we left, one thing is for sure – we will need a strong and dedicated workforce to support the sustainability and growth of our businesses. So, if you have an apprentice and may be under pressure to let them go, or in contrast you have found you have capacity to hire a new apprentice, please consider the following: > Reduced hours – for those in essential working roles or have the flexibility to work from home, consider temporarily reducing the working hours of your apprentice until you’re able to ask them to return on a full time capacity. > Break in Learning – this is for 4 weeks max. and the apprentice will not be paid. However, they are still employed and can resume work with you when the 4 weeks is over. > Use the Employer Incentives – hire an apprentice before January 31st 2021 and receive up to £3000 per new apprentice. More information can be found on page 29. For more information please contact our Employer Engagement Manager, Daniel on T: 01772 225743 E: