The Most Issue 2

CORONAVIRUS: REBUILD AND RECOVER “The year 2020 has been extraordinary, and we have all had to adapt to new ways of working in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Preston’s College has focused on ensuring we continue to deliver and support high quality learning to all our learners and we are anticipating some outstanding learner achievements this year, in spite of the changes we have had to make to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and students. The college has continued to follow a social distancing policy, using government guidance as a minimum expectation. In managing this effectively, all of our full-time learners, apprenticeship, adult and higher education students are currently being taught through a ‘blended learning’ approach; one way systems have been introduced; rotas and bubbles have been agreed for office staff and tutors, and there have been hand sanitisers and PPE made readily available across the college campus. Staggered lunch times have been put in place and timetables have been altered to allow for this. It’s a learning curve for us all. We will continue to work with Public Health England and follow the guidance set by the government. We are really proud of the maturity and patience of our learners as they adapt to this new way of life at College, and for our continued engagement with employers.” Dr Lis Smith Principal and Chief Executive