The Most Issue 2

| 17 OUR APPRENTICES Throughout the pandemic Daniella tells us how they were fortunate enough to support their apprentices throughout a time of uncertainty and even recently recruited a new apprentice, Holly, to their salon. “We are proud to be able to offer apprenticeship opportunities to budding beauticians and hairdressers and we invest a lot of time in training our staff to perfect treatments, their knowledge and help them work towards their Continuous Professional Development. The training also helps me to become a better manager too.” Whitney, who is currently coming to the end of her Level 2 Hairdressing apprenticeship, and soon to progress on to her Level 3, says: “Since starting my apprenticeship, I have learned so much and my confidence has grown massively. Preston’s College has been amazing with helping me, and The Salon is incredible.” Daniella adds: “Working with Preston’s College has been really positive and we’ve had so much support throughout these last few months whilst we’ve been going through the Covid crisis. We’ve got two great apprentices in Whitney and Holly, who are both eager to learn and who are a great fit within our team.” Holly says: “I am really enjoying working in The Salon, my apprenticeship is going really well and I’m so happy to be working in such a lovely environment” Daniella, Salon Manager