Preston College Adult Course Guide 2022

CONTENTS WHY PRESTON COLLEGE? Preston College really do offer the most for adult learners, with recent success stories highlighting how courses, tutors and industry standard facilities have supported individuals to achieve success. Here are just a few highlights: Lianne – Level 1 Vehicle Systems Maintenance, Level 1 MIG Welding, Level 2 Vehicle Inspection and Level 3 Auto and Mobile Electrical Principles Mum of three, Lianne, decided to pursue a career in a subject she has always been passionate about, enrolling onto the Level 1 Vehicle Systems Maintenance course in 2018. Lianne quickly impressed staff at Preston College and was offered a Curriculum Support Technician role, one day per week, which she undertook alongside her studies. Progressing through the levels and enjoying her role immensely, Lianne now works four days per week and is in the final stages of studying her Level 3 Diploma. Vivien - ICT Entry Level 3 Vivien joined the IT Entry Level 3 course to gain internet and software skills. As part of the course Vivien has explored a range of Microsoft packages, including Word and Excel and has learnt how to confidently use spreadsheets, download items, conduct internet searches and receive emails. The course has given Vivien the confidence to use a computer and trust in her own abilities. Ruby – Level 2 and Level 3 Hairdressing and Level 2 Barbering After the birth of her daughter left Ruby seeking a more creative career, the social work graduate joined Preston College as a hairdressing learner. Undertaking two hairdressing qualifications, work experience provided invaluable insight into the world of barbering, encouraging Ruby to continue her studies on the Level 2 Barbering course. Ruby now works full time as a Barber. Jonathan – Level 1 Painting and Decorating Having spent 36 years working as a Dental Technician, early retirement provided the opportunity for Jonathan to pursue his passion for DIY, joining Preston College Level 1 Painting and Decorating course. The course has taken Jonathan from amateur to someone with a real skill, in a trade he is passionate about and has allowed him to improve his home DIY skills. Abbey - Access to Higher Education: Social Science Having not been in any form of education since high school, Abbey joined Preston College with little confidence in her work and academic abilities. The Access to Higher Education course at Preston College changed this, helping to build Abbey’s confidence, ready for starting university. Helping Abbey to gain UCAS points, the Access course propelled Abbey onto a three year degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice at UCLan. Gareth – Level 4 Sports Massage After spending 20 years in data analysis, undertaking a long, daily commute and longing for a more practical career, a sports massage session provided keen runner Gareth with the drive to go from client to therapist. Now fully qualified, Gareth is the proud owner of Thrive Sports Massage and has over 420 clients on his books! For more information visit 5