Preston College St Vincent’s Road Preston PR2 8UR T 01772 225768 E /prestoncollege If you didn’t find the apprenticeship you were looking for, please get in touch and let us know as we regularly introduce new provision throughout the academic year. All of the latest information is on the Preston College website. All information contained within this guide is correct at the time of going to print (June 2023). Some circumstances beyond the control of Preston College may mean that it is not possible to provide the education services outlined in this course guide. Examples include: minimum numbers required to run the apprenticeship not being met, the unanticipated departure or absence of key members of teaching staff and industrial action by staff or third parties. This list is not exhaustive. Information is subject to change at short notice and online learning elements may continue to be incorporated into all programmes. Course dates and/or times may also be changed at short notice due to matters outside of the College’s control. READY TO APPLY?